The Supreme Court of Missouri has amended the Rules of Professional Conduct 4-1.15 to require Missouri lawyers to place IOLTA accounts only at eligible financial institutions. Eligible financial institutions are those institutions that pay interest rates on IOLTA accounts comparable to rates paid on similarly profiled non-IOLTA accounts, and that meet other requirements of the Rule.
The institutions noted below are preferred providers and are recognized as “Partners in Justice” due to their voluntary agreement to pay trust account interest rates that equal or exceed seventy percent (70%) of the Federal Funds Target Interest Rate.
CNB Bank& Trust NA-Clayton branchWe ask that you consider utilizing these institutions for all your banking needs due to their extraordinary participation in this worthy program! picture of columns ALL ELIGIBLE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS To be compliant with Supreme Court Rules, all IOLTA accounts must be active in an institution deemed "eligible" by this Foundation and the Supreme Court Advisory Committee. A list of eligible institutions is maintained at :
Central Bank First National Bank of Audrain County Heartland Bank- Kansas Jefferson Bank of MissouriCNB Bank& Trust NA Clayton branch